Kuber Light house

Educational Center,0,0, Rashulgarh, Salarpur Varanasi (U.P.)
5 /5 2 Ratings

About Us

The Kuber Light House is a reputed Distributor and supplier of a wide range of products in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Leading the industry with its uncompromised quality, the company has been able to establish itself as one of the most trusted names in the market. The company has achieved a good name for itself by offering its merchandise in a wide array of designs, sizes, and specifications to its clients. Kuber Light House is a premium Distributor of  PVC Pipes, LED  Bulbs, etc. Our products are designed, engineered, and produced at the best possible quality. We are committed to the success of Our Customers and their satisfaction. Kuber Light House deals with brands like Epsori India ltd.  We have been providing some of the finest quality products to our Dealers. The company is well known for its high-grade products, which deal with the best-grade Brands. Our company is a member of the prestigious Chamber of Commerce of India

Our Services


Led Light


PVC Pipe


LED Products


5 /5 2 Ratings

100% Authenticated & Trusted ratings from Kuber Light house's users

Had a great experience. Found the led bulb I wanted at a fair price with excellent customer service and attention to detail. I highly recommend this dealership.

Smooth transactions and very helpful staff made my PVC Pipe buying experience easy and the team has given me their full attention to all my PVC Pipe needs. Thanks again for the great help!

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